HOW WE WORK - InnovantU Solutions


THE INNOVANTU WAY - Your Purpose and Ours

Legendary management consultant Peter Drucker said that the purpose of any business is to ‘create & keep a customer,’ and for that reason, the chief functions of your business must be Marketing & Innovation.

This is where InnovantU Solutions can really help you.

Only we approach things a little different…

Without at all wishing to contradict the great Peter Drucker, we move the two functions around, beginning with innovation, and then comes your marketing.

Why do we look at it that way?

Marketing has so many different definitions, but one of the universally agreed aspects of marketing is communication.

Therefore by innovating first, you then have something to actually communicate and commercialize!

But not just anything…

In a day and age where too many businesses sadly don’t take the time to create and then articulate what makes their products, services, programs, method(s) different and superior to others…

At InnovantU, that’s where we start. 

And we do it this way:

1 (1)1
3 (1)3
2 (1)2
4 (1)4
1 (1)1
2 (1)2
3 (1)3
4 (1)4

What does this process mean for you?

It means the last thing you, your business, your brand, your products or services will ever be seen as…

Is a commodity.

Something that can be easily found elsewhere and often cheaper.

We’ll help you source and acquire your ideal customer willing to pay a premium for what you are selling.

That’s what we call The InnovantU Way…

Areas of Expertise

Depending on your needs we can be specialists or generalists.

And you need both.

As specialists, we know how to generate leads and sales for you from cold traffic via Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

When we refer to “cold traffic” we mean prospects who, until they saw your ad did not know about you.

We can also set up tracking that will allow you to run ads to site visitors who were on your website as far back as six months ago.

As Google My Business specialists, we know how to get you ranked higher on Google than you probably are at the moment.

As Data & Analytics specialists we can tell you what area(s) of your marketing is working – and which areas are costing you money.

Peter Drucker once said: “What gets measured gets managed.”

And while we wholeheartedly agree with Mr. Drucker, we also like business guru Keith J Cunningham’s typically frank assertion:

“People who don’t measure don’t want to be held accountable.”

And as specialist Funnel Advisors, we can most certainly look at any marketing campaign you have taking place or about to take place and let you know whether we feel it is fully optimized to generate leads or sell. 

These following areas we do not do ourselves, hence describing our involvement as being in a “general” capacity.

However, we do work with trusted associates who are specialists in:

copywriting, branding, web design, email, Google ads, etc.